Saturday, April 5, 2014

Because we know with Whom we walk...

As we drove through a storm on our way to the temple open house in Brigham City the storm got really intense. Hail slamming the window; raining so hard we could barely see; inch-deep water covering the road.  The storm grew so bad that people were stopped under the bridges all along the freeway to wait it out. It got worse and worse.  The wind howled ferociously and the rain and hail continued to pound our car. I was terrified we were going to crash - we could barely see the tail lights of the car only a few feet in front of us. 

Then we came out. The sun shone beautifully and the rain dropped in a light drizzle that reflected the sun's rays like glitter; and I saw the rainbow. A beautiful bright, brilliant double rainbow. I began to think about the promise given with that rainbow - that the Lord would never again flood the whole earth. 

Like that rainbow, God has given us so many promises, but many times, as we are going through the middle of the storm, as the rain pours and the winds whistle in our ears, for a minute we forget... for a moment we doubt. We wonder if the promises really will come to pass. We feel a panic that the flood is going to come, that everything we believed in will prove to be but a sunny dream, maliciously torn to pieces by the darkening clouds of trial and the howling winds of pain. Then the rain lifts for a moment and we see the rainbows - the simple, sweet tender signs of the Lord's hand. The sweet remembrance that He is there; that his promises, if we stay faithful, are always and will always be fulfilled; and our heart is filled with such a sweet penetrating peace... and we go on. With renewed faith and strength we walk head on into the oncoming winds and hail because we know with Whom we walk.  And so we press forward into future storms. And in place of fear -faith; in place of cowering - courage; in place of lost hope - love that cannot be easily forgotten.